...you can make love for up to an hour or more and have her beg for more…

Where An Easy 2-Second Trick You Do With Your Mind…

…can bring you sensation & pleasure that you've never experienced before.

It’s Best You Stay Tuned Right Now…

Even If Your Erections Aren't As Hard As You'd Like At This Moment…

Even if you're facing a grim future of less and less enjoyable sex…

And even if it's been years since you enjoyed the great sex you remember from when you were a younger man.

This page shows you how I stumbled on a secret group of 11,342 men who went from ED to 30 minute sex…


I'll tell you exactly what they did, and more importantly, what YOU can do now, and why you haven't heard about this breakthrough

I've got vital tips that you rarely ever hear about to pass on to you from these 11,342 men who I learned this from… make sure to watch this video to the very end as it won't be up for much longer, most likely.


It's weird that I'm the messenger here. I'm not a scientist or a doctor or anyone special.

I had ED and these 11,342 guys helped me go from limp to having 30 Minute Sex Almost Every Day Now.


It’s really hard for me to explain in words if you’ve never experienced this… going from limp to amazing sex life in what felt like almost overnight…


And as you can imagine…All the drug companies & pill pushers are furious at me for releasing this all too shocking information that you’re reading right now.

But I don't care.

Listen to my story now as I expose the truth about what it really takes for any man to overcome their deepest sexual frustrations…

Look, if you're a guy who is frustrated with your sex life and it’s not as fun as it used to be, this will be the most important video you ever watch…
So I need you to pay 100% attention to what I'm about to tell you…
This WILL change your life

Since I Discovered The Truth & Began This Journey, The Word Out…

I'm quoted in over 1.5 million websites on Google…

ABC News interviewed me, Cosmo Magazine picked me up and the message is getting out like crazy…


Here's What Has Worked For Me And
11,342 Other Men
Just Like You…

Here's what some of those men online report about their function:

"I was numb and my senses were dulled… I'm dating a woman now… It's amazing…" - "Dan", from Ohio

"It really makes you more attractive to women and at the same time you get a rock solid confidence boost out of not caring a wit if she will ultimately sleep with you." - "Pete", from Indy

Sure, other guys have gone from erection problems to 30 minute sex, but will this work for you? To see if this breakthrough will work for you… take this quick 3 question quiz…

- Do you remember when you were a young man and you used to get wet dreams and morning wood?

Is that still happening now?

- And when you have an orgasm, what is the pleasure on a scale of 1 to 10?

How does the pleasure from orgasm today compare to what you experienced as a young man?

- Finally, when you have sex or get erections (if you still do) how easy does it all happen?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being easy, 10 being difficult... Are you more towards 1 or more towards 10?

Most guys like you and me answered that we aren't getting any erections or good erections consistently… We aren't feeling great pleasure when we orgasm, and we find erections are a lot of work or don't happen at all…
Chances Are That The Cause Of Your losing Sex Performance Is Something The Drug Companies Don't Want You To Know…
(In fact, they go out of their way to suppress this information – they are protecting $5 billion they make each year selling these pills to us guys! Now can you see why they are furious with this page?)

Desensitization causes the brain not to register the feelings from the penis…

Think of the brain as a radio picking up signals from your penis, which is like the radio station's broadcast tower…

With desensitization, your brain isn't picking up the same pleasure signals from your penis...�

With Desensitization, It's As If The Brain And The Penis Aren't In Tune With Each Other…

None Of This Is Your Fault…

The 11,342 guys online found it's easy to use simple solo activities at home to restore the brain's natural sensitivity…

Diabetes, medications, age… even overuse of porn… all of these cause desensitization

But regardless of the cause, these simple solo activities done at home can restore full sensitivity and reverse & eliminate ED and premature ejaculation.

PROOF: Drug Companies Suppressed Research On ED Cures Since Viagra…

Now, let me tell you a little bit about why this works… “Raspberry Ketone” is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries… This compound regulates adiponectin, a protein used by the body to regulate metabolism

"Decreased Sensitivity May Be The Sole Factor Responsible For ED"

Remember: 11,342 guys online have discovered fixes for men's sex problems… totally, permanently and forever... Which means:

Almost any guy with performance problems can now have amazing pleasurable 30 minute sex with a good hard erection… by fixing desensitization the cause of most men's sex problems.

"Back then, I was barely on any female's radar. Now, they smile at me on the street, or even preen themselves within my vicinity. -"John", from Oregon

"I was able to have sex with my girlfriend three times last night! The ED has almost cleared itself up, on the third time my erection wasn't as strong as the first, but that is sort of understandable, what with me having sex twice in a row before. Things do change for the better, I promise!" - "Bill", from Rhode Island

So how does this “desensitization breakthrough” banish erection problems and give you 30 minute sex with incredible pleasure?

It All Starts With Masturbation…

Masturbation is a fun and pleasurable habit and of course there is nothing whatever wrong with it…

There is however a way that 99% of men masturbate that actually increases the desensitization problem…

The solo activities I found from the 11,342 men actually let you stroke your way to high sensitivity and great pleasure…

For the past many months I've been quietly working with these 11,342 guys, documenting what it is that has worked, and getting the word out to other guys.

Virtually all the men who try this report two results…

- "Hey Matt, these solo activities are a lot of fun"

- Sex is now more pleasurable than ever. I wish someone had told me this before."

I put the complete instructions together in a series of video presentations you can watch at home in complete privacy…

I am making these videos available for the first time to any man who wants to recover the full function that he deserves…

Men who don't get this are unfortunately going to find that women are much more likely to cheat when a man can't perform in bed…

And men who aren't performing have a different look in their eye…

They Don't Put Out That Powerful Masculine Energy…


As a result, they often perform poorly at work.

Their incomes are not as great as they could be.

And they aren't as attractive to women.

On the other hand, once a man regains the true masculine power he deserves… Women Are Drawn To Him Like Iron Filings To A Magnet.

To the point where women will flirt with him in public…

Even if his wife or girlfriend is present.

Congratulations! You're that special man. You've come this far in this video and that's how I know you get this…

When a real man has a problem, he doesn't sit there crying the blues… He figures out the cause, and fixes the problem… That's What Men Do…

Up until now, you haven't had the right tools to fix this problem.

It's Not Your Fault.

It's like someone asked you to fix a broken faucet with nothing but your bare hands – you just can't do it.

You need the right tools…

The reason your penis isn't working is due to desensitization…

You've Proven It To Yourself.

 So... What Are Your Options for fixing desensitization and getting towel hanging erections again?

 There Are 4 Types Of Treatment For Male Sex Problems:

• Prescription pills
• Supplements
• Various devices
My simple solo activities


So first, let's talk pills. The little blue pills… They end up not working well for many men…
They have a ton of side effects… And They Are Quite Expensive…
 I don't view Viagra and Cialis as good options because of these problems…
 Maybe you're okay taking these fairly dangerous and very expensive medications for what should be a natural, normal and healthy act.
 If so, then you won't want to hear the rest of what I'm about to tell you…


 The 2nd Treatment Is Supplements…

I have found that these may have other huge benefit... but there are no guys, zero, that I know of, who have fixed their sexual performance problems by supplements…

 I will go further and say that I think supplements have huge benefit, but they are a supporting role in the remedy you are looking for…

 “I REALLY Wish There Was A Supplement I Could Recommend! (but unfortunately in good conscience, I can’t)

But the brain is a complex thing and supplements simply don't re-program the brain's pleasure center once it gets caught up in this de-sensitization…

Fish oil is helpful, and some men have found glutathione useful, but they do not treat or cure the underlying de-sensitization

The third treatment are these medical devices that help you achieve erections…


One that is reported to work by many men involves giving yourself an injection in the penis when you want to have sex…


If you have an option, what if something else works for you, perhaps just as well or better? 


 So That Leaves The 4th Treatment…
(which is the one I'm suggesting you give a try)

 It's my simple solo activities you can perform in the privacy of your own home. On Your Own Time…

I've seen thousands & thousands of guys with sexual problems get help this way, no pills, pumps, or painful injections...

 And since I used to suffer these problems myself I have a deep understanding of what you are going through

And as you do these simple solo activities at home, you'll find you get your full function back…

Morning Erections Will Come Back…Spontaneous erections just by thinking of your honey, or a girl you like at work…

And you'll learn how to enter a woman any time any place, so that your current sexual shortcomings is never a problem no matter what is happening…

You'll discover how to stay hard for a long time, even if you have been getting soft during intercourse and don't know what to do about it.


Yes, restoring sensitivity to the brain is easy to do at home, by yourself or with your girlfriend or wife if you have one…

Now, you might be thinking this is all great… but still you might want to ask: “Matt, do your simple solo activities done at home really work, I can’t tell you how bad it’s gotten?“ Let me share with you this:

Here Are More Testimonials From Real Satisfied Customers!

"I have used your system for about 3 weeks, and am already seeing great results. Now I am getting pretty regular erections in the AM…" - "Jeff"

"I tried that [activity you teach] with my 24-year old girlfriend. I am 54. Nothing could have prepared us for the outcome. It was her earthquaking body that shocked me. I do a bit of weightlifting but I couldn't restrain her. Her screams , her ecstasy, her movements simply overwhelmed me. For once I could brag with my rod still stiff.... that Daddy is da best.... OMG!!" - "Joel"

Oh, and let me tell you about Kevin… Here's what he did when he got the videos I put together to fix ED…
(and it's what you will do too)…

He went through simple videos, and I gave him some exercises to do… These exercises rebuild sensitivity. They are easy to do and very pleasurable.

He Says: "Within 3 Weeks I Was Getting Wood Every Morning!"

And even the first night he had decent sex with his girlfriend using the instructions I put in the video that work even if you're not hard at first…

Kevin finished the videos and through the exercises & techniques I gave him, he was able totally overcome premature ejaculation and last 30 minutes or more each time he has sex…

As you can imagine, Kevin is VERY HAPPY these days…

It's the combination of what I call solo activities & techniques that I learned that over 11,342 guys online, like you & Kevin used and that I used… I put these videos together to reverse problems in bed and start enjoying sex again…

I put a class together to teach guys once I got tired of repeating over and over (friends and family story) and put a video course that shows you exactly what I did and what these 11K plus guys found…

So Far Thousands Of Men Have Used What I Found To Get Hard And Stay Hard And Have Incredible Pleasure Again & Again… & Again.

I call my system of simple solo activities that banish ED and premature ejaculation:

Big Bang: How to Last 30 Minutes,
Stay Hard and Blow Her Mind

(The Very Course Kevin Used To Overcome His Own ED, Last Longer In Bed & Satisfy His Woman Without Pills)

Sounds Good, Doesn’t It?

Go through this amazing course all at home, in complete privacy…

I show you a revolutionary method to become erect and stay erect in my simple course I call Big Bang…

You'll be able to have great sex, even if you've suffered ED, soft erections or no erections.

All laid out in plain easy to watch video… so you can use this method tonight…

It's Step-By-Step Help. Share it with your wife or girlfriend if you like,  but keep it "your little secret" and just watch how she'll respond!

Overcoming the fear factor with this one simple 3 second trick…

High blood pressure, diabetes and pills - Three simple strategies to beat their effects…

This simple test tells you if porn is the cause of your desensitization…

And How To Fix The Problem Forever…


Step-By-Step Instructions On Getting An Erection Even If You Think You Can't…

And how to stay hard a long time even if you've been going soft at inappropriate moments…

Since you'll now become an able lover, I also show you how to talk to your partner so she is either on board, or never suspects anything was ever wrong!

The aim of the Big Bang course is to immediately fix the problems you've had and make you a partner pleasing machine…

Even If You Haven't Been Able To Perform For Many Years.

 Whether you're 30 or 80.

 This is what I show you in my Big Bang home study course.

 You can start right away from wherever you are, right now…

You can use the system immediately with your partner, if you have one...

If you don't have a partner, you can begin practicing solo so that you project an incredible confidence with women that...
Will Attract Them To You Like A Magnet…

And since you've been practicing, you'll have total confidence when you meet a woman…

 And like I said before, you always have complete anonymity and confidentiality... I Will Never Know Your Real Name…  Nobody Will!

 When the bill is sent, it will have "Calworth Glenford" on it and nobody can ever tell what you purchased or paid for…

 It will look like a plain old home study course.

We have very strict privacy policies in place and understand that the best privacy is... not knowing who you are, and we don't and never will…

 So, By Now You're Wondering:
"This sounds great! But what does this all cost?"

I have seen this information being sold for more than two thousand dollars…

And it's totally worth it to get your sexual function back and become a fantastic lover…


I'm Not Asking You To

Pay Even $1000…

Just moments from now when you enroll in my course, you'll be able to instantly watch the video modules reveal the Big Bang process step-by-step…

Just the Big Bang course alone is a $200 value…

And I Know That You Want To Get Started But You Might Just Need That Extra “Push” To Make This A Total “No-Brainer” - So I Have Put Together 2 Special Bonus Offers For You So Good You Would Have To Be Insane Not To Act Now... I'm Offering INSTANT ACCESS To These Two Life Changers When You Take Advantage of My Insane Offer Of Big Bang Now...

First, I fell into a method of intensifying sexual pleasure for both you and your partner…

Strictly speaking it isn't part of the Big Bang course because it's not related to recovering your performance…

I Created A Short But Incredibly Explicit Ebook Out Of It And I Plan To Sell It At Retail For $37.00…

It's called Pleasure Centering, double your pleasure and hers with this one simple technique -

And it's my personal gift to you when you take action and enroll today in
Big Bang...


Also, in my work I've found that men and their partners often have an un-even sex drive...

The woman may be insatiable but the guy wants to do it a few times a week and that's enough…

Or the man wants to have sex every night but his partner is happy with twice a week…

If you've read all these so-called solutions to the problem you know that None Of Them Work…

It Seems Like A Problem That Can't Be Solved…

But I Solved It:

Specifically I came across a method scientifically proven to make the low drive partner develop a higher drive…

It equalizes your sex drives and can be the key to a happy relationship…

I put it all into a second amazing e-book Called:
Cum With Me – Equalize Your Sex Drive in
Three Nights

If you are the high drive partner, great news…

She Will Want To Have Sex With You More Often Now…

And if you are the low drive partner, then you will find yourself much happier saying "yes" to sex…

This is another $37 ebook but I am going to make it available to you for free in return for your order of Big Bang right now…


 For A Total Of $274.

But like I said earlier, I'm NOT charging you $274.. (Or even $100)

I'm not charging you any of those prices, In fact, I'm going to offer this entire package to you at a ridiculously LOW price that you're going to see in just a minute at the bottom of your screen…

This is an extraordinary value, that will probably shock you a little. But I want to get this information into the hands of as many guys that need it as possible...

And I don't want you paying even one thin dime without giving you an 100% assurance This Will Work For You…

 I figure 60 days is long enough to get great results...

Heck, one night will show you the extreme value of Big Bang…

So just to be super sure, I'm giving you my total 100% money back guarantee... so anytime in the next 60 days if this isn't something you are thrilled with and if it isn't helping you…

I'll happily give you a 100% refund of every penny you've paid.

(That's just how confident I am that THIS is the solution for you!)

 You can send an email to [email protected], or call 877-691-3328, and you will get a complete 100% refund of every dime you paid…

 And if you do decide to claim your money back, I still want you to keep everything you received in the course, totally free, as my "thank-you" for trying it out...

I Can't Be Any More Fair Than That!


So, In just a moment you're going to see an "Add to Cart Button" appear below, when you click it... you are getting instant access to my video course, and the two bonus ebooks, all for a fraction of the normal price…

You really need to act right now and grab this though I reserve the right to raise the price or pull this offer entirely at any time. So, enter your card information and begin instantly accessing this life changing information!



Because of the dramatic results that men just like you are already experiencing…

You may find out that you need to be Humble when your woman asks you “What’s got into you?”

I’m Serious!

Here’s the situation though... You’re really going to need to Act Right Now… I’m only opening up a certain number spots for Big Bang...

"When They're Gone... Theyr'e Gone!"

Option 1:
 You can keep spending hundreds of dollars on cheap & ineffective male pills, books and potions, and try to make it on your own with ZERO results…

Option 2: (If We Haven’t Filled Up All My Open Slots By The Time You See This)
Join Me Right NOW And Get Your Personal Access To Big Bang – And Let Me Help You Overcome All Your Sexual Challenges…

But Hurry: Once again, I can’t stress this enough. You need to ACT NOW to secure your spot. There are literally hundreds of men watching this very same video right now… and by now you should see the button right below this page that says “Add To Cart”… Click It Now…


Still On The Fence?

Ok, I’ll Now Quickly Answer Some Questions That Frequently Come Up At This Point…

"Can I Continue Masturbation And Normal Sex To The Extent I Am Capable?"

When you get Big Bang you'll learn exactly how to use masturbation to your and your partner's sexual advantage. Some men may not have ready partners, and other men may…

 Either Way Is Fine With Us…

 You'll want to start working with the masturbation methods we outline in the course. They help you recover from ED, premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation

 You will find these methods extremely valuable on the road to recovery and becoming a great sexual partner…

"I'm Too Old. I'm 50. I'm 60. Aren't These Sexual Problems Just A Fact Of Life At My Age?"

Not at all. My program has two major focuses.
One focus is to re-sensitize your brain's pleasure center by using a simple step-by-step process…

That Helps Anyone Restore Normal Function And Sensation, No Matter What Age…

And the second focus is using specific techniques that are very simple and incredibly pleasurable, and let you have the most amazing sex of your life, no matter how old you are, and last as long as you want to…

You'll Enjoy A New Way Of Having Sex That Is Much More Rewarding For You And Your Partner…

Many men find they can satisfy a partner -- even one who has a very strong sex drive, or is much younger…

The medical issues and age have nothing to do with it when you use these exclusive Big Bang methods…

"How Should I Deal With My Partner?"


There are two strategies. One is to tell your partner everything. Open Up To Her Completely

Another strategy is to not reveal anything, but instead to cover up any effects, and just get yourself performing well and she never needs to know…

"Which Is Best?"

I personally love to open up and tell my partner Jodi everything… But that's my choice… It may not be your choice in your relationship…

Either Way We'll Tell You What You Might Want To Say Or Not Say.

We'll help you deal with your partner even if you don't want to reveal your problem.

That's entirely your decision and we don't cast judgment on what you decide…

"I'm Dating Or Single Now And Don't Have A Partner… What Will This Do For Me?"

I'll have specific recommendations you can work with that will take the fear and concern away from the question of having sex…

Some of our members are students who are in the unfortunate process of breaking up... Sometimes the breakup is due to the sexual difficulties…

Perhaps this is your situation… If so, we'll help you rebuild your life and get a fabulous new start…

If You Have No Partner, That's Fine.

You can practice some specific solo activities that will help your brain increase sensitivity and fix ED and ejaculation problems…

You will probably discover what so many single men have found -- that women become magnetically attracted to you, that they appear out of nowhere and seem to almost throw themselves at you once you get into this…

And we'll have some amazing secrets that we'll show you, that will make your partner and you thrilled beyond your wildest dreams... with the physical and emotional connection you two have…

And those methods will draw you and your woman together closer and more intimately than you ever thought possible…

Now That You Know All That – I Need To Tell You This:

The Real Deal…

As Much As I Want To Help Every Man Possible I Can Overcome Their Sexual Frustrations, The Truth Is Not Everyone Will Be Able To Get Access To This Training… There’s A Decent Chance If You Come Back Later And Try To Get Access, You Will See A Page That Says: “Sorry: SOLD OUT!”

Also, This Offer Is Guaranteed To First 100 To Order! We Have HUNDREDS Of Men Watching This Video Right Now, Including You, And Only 100 Guaranteed Openings… You Must ACT NOW To Be One Of The First 100 To Secure Your Spot…

After The First 100 We’ll Be Going Back To The Intended $497 Price Tag – You’re Welcome To Purchase At That Price If You Miss The Cut Off…

But Don’t Risk It…

What you need to do NOW Is Click The Order Button Below Before It Disappears…

However, If The Next Page Says: “SOLD OUT”
I Apologize In Advance Because If Another Man Has Already Taken Your Spot, You’ve Missed Out On This Fantastic Opportunity

And Of Course, That’s If This Video Is Still Even Up! HERE’S A WORD OF ADVICE!

Stop Fooling Yourself!

You Can’t Keep Doing The Same Thing And Expect Different Results

Restoring Full Enjoyment In Sex Is Hard! (Without A System). You’ll Never Achieve The Sexual Satisfaction You & Your Partner Desire Until You Have A Proven System To Follow…


Remember This! This System Works! (It Works Because I’ve Used It To Overcome My Own Challenges Along With 11,342 Other Men Just Like You…) You Get EVERYTHING Laid Out To You In Plain English That We All Did To Eliminate And Reverse Our Sexual Frustrations With This Big Bang…

Listen, You Will Fall Into One Of These 3 Categories…

The Procrastinator… Someone Who Wants To Put This Off Until “Tomorrow”…
The  Wishful Thinker… Who Thinks: “That’s Nice, But That Will Never Be Me…” 
Or The “Do’er”… Now, I Know You're On Here Still Because You're A “Do'er“ & READY To Take Massive Action & FINALLY Pleasure Your Woman In Bed…

Then DO Like What 11,342 Other Men Before You Have Done! One Thing That ALL My Successful Students Have In Common Is They Take Action…

One Of The Greatest Feelings You Can Have When Having Sex With Your Partner Is To Not Worry Your Performance…. Take Control Of Your Sex Life Now…

“Do You Want A Better Sex Life?”

***You Can Start Having Better Sex Tonight!***

Here’s What You Need To Do Next…

To Be One Of The “Lucky 100” To Take Advantage Of This Tremendous Offer… Click On The Orange Button Below This Video That Says “Add To Cart” NOW And I’ll See You Inside The Members Area In Less Than A Minute!

Let me ask you...


Do you secretly find yourself looking at other men thinking… “Why can’t I just satisfy my woman like he does?” or that somehow you’re not ever able to satisfy a woman while your friends brag about going for 30 minutes or more?

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore!

YOU Can Be That Person!

Click the button below and get your personal access to Big Gang NOW and don’t have sex again until you do…


Big Bang is a real & proven program and all it takes is a tiny bit of effort & the reward is very high. If you’ve been watching this video all the way to this point, frustrated with your sexual performance, let me tell you this… Your timing couldn’t be better!
Plus your success is guaranteed or your money back

All That's Left To Do Is Click On The Button Below…

Go ahead, click the button below and have your card ready. You'll get instant access to Big Bang and BOTH the Bonuses, INSTANTLY...
You'll be watching the first video in a matter of seconds…

Click the "Add to Cart" Button NOW to get started. You'll wonder what you've done all this time without this incredible, life changing information in your hands…

Go ahead, click on the "Add To Cart" button NOW, and I'll see you on the next page…