
January 17, 2013
Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/mukhina/3840364331/

Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/mukhina/3840364331/

Okay, with that, let’s start!

Matt Cook here, thanks for being here with me and hope you had a great holiday (if it was a holiday for you.)

I have gotten a lot of questions on edging.

I want to remind you that you can hit REPLY and send me an email with a question and I’ll try to answer it. I’ll always protect your privacy and never publish anything that could identify you.

So today, regarding edging, I made this quick video that you can watch.

Click here to watch this video on edging.

Unit won’t get ready or stay ready

January 17, 2013
Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/wiseacre/312839512/

Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/wiseacre/312839512/

A lot of guys tell me that their units won’t stay in “locked position” for very long.

Units are not really reliable. A man can’t make his unit get ready for a woman.

it is on the other hand quite easy to think of Grandma Ann and your unit will fall from attention quickly.

So a man can get rid of a hardon but can’t will one to happen.

It’s just how we are built.

Our units may not stay locked and ready or they may not ever get there.

There are many reasons for this problem but really the primary reason is desensitization.

Desensitization is a brain problem. It isn’t “all in your head” — it’s very real, the same as an infected tooth is “in your head” but real.

The stuff the docs give you is designed to treat physical problems. The little blue fellas they give you prevent the natural ending of nitric oxide that maintains things.

Nitric oxide also is involved with your heart and that’s why they have to be careful with these blue fellas.

But they don’t work for many men anyway because they don’t actually solve the desensitization issue.

We have identified four issues with men that we can help with through a simple at-home confidential method that works.

1. Getting and keeping hard
2. Lasting a long time
3. Premature
4. Desensitization from too-frequent porn use

We put this into trainings and you can get them right here right now.

And if you feel you have issues with lasting, or with entering, or with coming too quickly, this will really help you.


January 15, 2013

Do you believe that willpower determines success?

Many studies show that willpower is the key to improving a lot of things.

Have you heard of David Blaine?

Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/72131699@N00/4278810729/

Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/72131699@N00/4278810729/

David Blaine locked himself in a block of ice and sat motionless for 72 hours without sleep.

Watch this brief video here

He also held his breath for 17 minutes, televised on Oprah.

If you want to see how he did it, this video features him explaining how he grew up to do these feats and how he held his breath for 17 minutes

I’m mentioning David Blaine because he shows us that we can in fact build up our willpower to do amazing things.

By noticing what someone like David Blaine does, we can learn how to do simpler things like:

  • Last 30 minutes or longer even if we have issues now
  • Steadily build our skills to be better than most men at things like golf or tennis even if we’ve never played before
  • Reduce our weight and eat better

Studies show that willpower can be strengthened quite easily.

The method involves looking at willpower as a muscle.

You can lift a heavy weight for so many reps and then your muscles get tired.

If you rest and lift the weight again it will become a little easier.

If you keep practicing your lifts the weight that seemed heavy will now seem light.

The willpower muscle works pretty much the same way.

You practice willpower and then recharge your willpower muscle and then you are able to apply more willpower and more willpower each time you practice.

This practice of building what I call the willpower muscle will make it easier and easier for you to make goals and realize your dreams.

I should be ready for our next web training tomorrow — and we’ll talk about how you can please any partner and have the deepest intimacy possible.

No need to hold your breath for 17 minutes, lol.


January 15, 2013
Courtesy Of  www.flickr.com/photos/iain/4787025447/

Courtesy Of www.flickr.com/photos/iain/4787025447/

One mistake guys make who are obsessing about their units (and I get this, I’ve done it too!) is to mentally test…

And so when they see a sexy girl, they focus their attention on their unit and whether they have a “semi” or not.

This isn’t helpful.

You really only know if things are working if you actually go to bed with a girl, or have an intense make-out session or something like that.

It is quite normal to have no feelings of a semi just seeing a pretty girl, and other times to have one for no real reason.

The truth is, men don’t have control over whether they GET hard or KEEP hard.

They only can bring one down (by thinking of something not sexy).

That’s how it is.

So being or staying hard is beyond your CONSCIOUS control, like your heart beating for instance.

And, the truth is, that your unit has its own life. It’s like it’s a separate person.

As soon as you realize this, you can relax. And relaxation helps more than anything else.

Relax and you will have last a long time when the time comes.

And, there are methods and stuff you can practice at home that can make things work a LOT better and make you a confident man indeed.

I’ll be showing you what those are in a web class I’m doing. Totally confidential and private.

Click here to register

There is no cost to this and a lot of info is packed in. It may already be full, and if so I apologize (we are limited to 250). Go here now and make sure you get in.


–Matt Cook

P.S. This web class is all about lasting a long time even if you haven’t been able to.